

. interior projects and projects management . design solutions . 3d visualization and animation . animated virtual tours . design and engineering . design consulting . houses restoration . ИНТЕРИОРНИ ПРОЕКТИ . 3d ВИЗУАЛИЗАЦИЯ . КОНТРОЛ НА ИЗПЪЛНЕНИЕ НА ПРОЕКТА . РЕСТАВРАЦИЯ НА КЪЩИ

Location: sofia, Union of architects in Bulgaria, Bulgaria

interior project; 3d-visualization;house renovation; architecture;building;real estate STUDIO IDEA . l'intérieur projette et l'administration de projets. solutions de design. 3d visualisation et animation. tours virtuels animés. concevez et l'ingénierie. consultation de design. restauration de maisons

Friday, August 18, 2006

renovation house;interior project and management

interior project,design solution,house renovation

Monday, August 14, 2006

OLD HOUSE-RENOVATION PROJECT AND REALIZATION_1 реставрация на къщи - проект и изпълнение

renovation house ;реставрирана къща,1913 г.

old house-renovation project and realization_2

door-after renovation


fireplace-after renovation
cellar-before renovation

kitchen details_after renovation

cellar- after renovation

underground project

old house-renovation project and realization_3


kitchen-after renovation
yard-before renovation and after that:

renovation yard